COGI 2019

21 November 2019 - 23 November 2019

Paris, France

Fotona will be exhibiting at the The 27th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI) in Paris, France.

Visit us at booth #7 for a first-hand look at our revolutionary Fotona SMOOTH® technology and the latest minimally invasive gynecology treatments.

Don't miss Fotona's Laser Pre-Course at COGI on Thursday, Nov. 21st from 15:00 to 18:00

Vaginal Erbium Laser for Women's Health

In addition, we also highly recommend the following COGI presentations:

Friday, Nov. 22  Hall C - Vulvo-Vaginal Atrophy

Marco Gambacciani: Debate: Do we need RCTs for laser in VVA/GSM or are observational data enough?
Presentation time: 12:10-12:55

Zdenko Vizintin: Can lasers reduce overall bladder symptoms?
Presentation time: 12:55-13:15

Friday, Nov. 22  Oral Presentation 05 - Gynecology

Dr. Urška Bizjak: Laser therapy of condylomata acuminate.
Presentation time: 17.11-17.18

Dr. Ivan Fistonic: Laser treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Is there any evidence?
Presentation time: 18.00-18.07

Dr. Sabina Senčar: Non-ablative laser treatment of lichen sclerosus et atrophicus - comparison with topical corticosteroid therapy.
Presentation time: 18.07-18.14

As usual, there will be experts on hand at the Fotona booth to answer all of your questions about the latest minimally invasive gynecology treatments, including:

  • IncontiLase® - for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence
  • IntimaLase® - for the treatment of vaginal relaxation
  • ProlapLase® - for the treatment of prolapse
  • RenovaLase® - for the treatment of vaginal atrophy

For more information about this year's COGI congress, visit the official website.

Fotona's Laser Pre-Course at COGI