The 10th International Fotona Weekend

28 May 2013

During the comprehensive three-day program, participants received in-depth information on Fotona’s latest technologies and applications in the fields of dentistry, aesthetics, surgery and gynecology.

On the first day of the IFW event, participants learned about new treatments, technological innovations, and other solutions developed by Fotona during the past year, and also experienced hands-on demonstrations of new products, including the new X-Runner™ digitally controlled dental handpiece. On the second day, the third annual LAHA Symposium, organized by the Laser and Health Academy, brought together dozens of clinical experts from around the globe to present their expertise and discuss some of the latest medical laser news and research findings. The third day of IFW was reserved for distributor presentations and informal meetings to facilitate the exchange of ideas and best practices.

As usual, the latest IFW event also included a lively social program. In addition to catching up with friends and colleagues at the traditional Fotona dinner and party, this year’s participants also competed in a bowling contest and engaged in other fun games and activities.

Fotona would like to thank all participants who attended this year. The International Fotona Weekend creates an exciting communication platform for all Fotona partners to share opinions, experience and information in order to create a more effective global sales strategy. At Fotona, we firmly believe that as One family, together, the strength and unity of our global partnership network enables us to grow stronger and better than ever before.