International Fellowship Course in Laser Dentistry

15 September 2014 - 18 September 2014

The Fellowship Diploma of the University of Genoa, Italy represents a four-day course of study and examination in the use of lasers as an adjunct to clinical dental surgery and medicine.

• The Fellowship defines a level of competence that is consistent with an experienced laser user.

• The course is designed to provide evidence-based core knowledge in laser use in dentistry and to refine practical skills. Emphasis is placed on the integration of this course into the ongoing practice of dentistry for each participant and the benefits of laser use for dental patients.

• The course will be conducted at the University of Genoa in Italy. The teaching faculty is drawn from members of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Genoa and accredited national and international specialists in laser dentistry.

• Elements of the course represent didactic theoretical and applied clinical knowledge of laser use in all aspects of dental surgery and medicine. Additional aspects include the practical use of lasers and the compilation of clinical case presentations.

• Successful completion of the course and examination will be recognized by the presentation of a certificate: “Fellowship in Laser Dentistry”.

For registration and additional information please see the attached document and visit the official website.

International Fellowship Course in Laser Dentistry leaflet